classroom environment

Topical Term
classroom environment

Habits of goodness

case studies in the social curriculum : with case studies by six elementary school teachers
Ruth Charney helps six K-6 teachers address the problems in the classroom related to the social curriculum, highlighting common themes and practices and offering teachers practical advice for dealing with their own problems.
Cover image of Habits of goodness

Intentional and targeted teaching

a framework for teacher growth and leadership
Introduces an intentional and targeted teaching approach designed to foster discussion among educators about what they do in the classroom. Also examines its use for teacher self-assessment and for peer feedback in professional learning communities.

Teach like Finland

33 simple strategies for joyful classrooms
Timothy D. Walker, an American teacher living in Finland, outlines the country's many successes in their school system, and invites many teachers to implement these best practices in conjunction with U.S. educational standards.

Classroom management in context

orchestrating positive learning environments

Ms. Bixby's last day

Everyone knows there are different kinds of teachers. The good ones. The not-so-good ones. But Ms. Bixby is none of these. She's the sort of teacher who makes you feel like the indignity of school is worthwhile. So when Ms. Bixby unexpectedly announces that she is very sick and won't be able to finish the school year, three friends come up with a plan to tell her how much she means to them.

Self-regulation in the classroom

helping students learn how to learn
"To succeed in school, students need more than subject area knowledge--they must learn how to learn. [This book] describes the ways that students focus attention on achieving success. Self-regulated learners find personal value in learning, develop effective study habits, welcome challenges, seek help, and use failure as a learning tool. This ... guide makes the process of developing self-regulation ... easy."--Provided by publisher.

Bold moves for schools

how we create remarkable learning environments
"[Presents a] vision, ... framework, a clear roadmap, and ... practical tools for transforming antiquated schools into innovative learning environments ... [This book] is for all education professionals aspiring to better serve today's children"--Back cover. Jacobs and Alcock examine every aspect of K?12 education, including curriculum, instruction, assessment, and the program structures of space?both physical and virtual?time, and grouping of learners and professionals. In a new job description for teachers, Jacobs and Alcock highlight and expound on the following roles: self-navigating professional learner, social contractor, media critic and media maker, innovative designer, globally connected citizen, and advocate for learners and learning. With thought-provoking proposals and practical strategies for change, Bold Moves for Schools sets educators on the path to redefining their profession and creating exciting new learning environments.

Kids deserve it!

pushing boundaries and challenging conventional thinking
In Kids Deserve It!, Todd and Adam encourage you to think big and make learning fun and meaningful for students. While you're at it, you just might rediscover why you became an educator in the first place. Learn why you should be calling parents to praise your students (and employees). Discover ways to promote family interaction and improve relationships for kids at school and at home. Be inspired to take risks, shake up the status quo, and be a champion for your students. Offers strategies for making learning fun and meaningful through promotion of family interaction, taking risks, being a champion for students, and more.


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