how we create remarkable learning environments
"[Presents a] vision, ... framework, a clear roadmap, and ... practical tools for transforming antiquated schools into innovative learning environments ... [This book] is for all education professionals aspiring to better serve today's children"--Back cover.
Jacobs and Alcock examine every aspect of K?12 education, including curriculum, instruction, assessment, and the program structures of space?both physical and virtual?time, and grouping of learners and professionals. In a new job description for teachers, Jacobs and Alcock highlight and expound on the following roles:
self-navigating professional learner,
social contractor,
media critic and media maker,
innovative designer,
globally connected citizen, and
advocate for learners and learning.
With thought-provoking proposals and practical strategies for change, Bold Moves for Schools sets educators on the path to redefining their profession and creating exciting new learning environments.