classroom environment

Topical Term
classroom environment

The quality school teacher

specific suggestions for teachers who are trying to implement the lead-management ideas of The quality school in their classrooms

Creating effective schools

an in-service program for enhancing school learning climate and achievement

Discovering gifts in middle school

learning in a caring culture called Tribes

Enhancing professional practice

a framework for teaching
Describes a framework for teaching based on the PRAXIS III criteria which identifies those aspects of a teacher's responsibilities that promote improved student learning; exploring twenty-two components, grouped into the four domains of planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction, and professional responsibilities.

Enhancing professional practice

a framework for teaching
Describes a framework for teaching based on the PRAXIS III criteria which identifies those aspects of a teacher's responsibilities that promote improved student learning; exploring twenty-two components, grouped into the four domains of planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction, and professional responsibilities.

Life in a crowded place

making a learning community

Early childhood environment rating scale

Presents a tool for assessing the quality of preschool, kindergarten, and child care classrooms in the areas of space and furnishings, personal care routines, language-reasoning, activities, interaction, program structure, and parents and staff, with instructions for administration and scoring.

Classroom spaces that work

Suggestions to help set up the physical spaces that are conducive to learning and make the best teaching possible.

Creating the Child Centred Classroom

Creating the child-centred classroom
Includes: Whole language and the active learning: A philosophical model --- The physical set up of the classroom -- Timetabling -- Classroom atmosphere -- Whole language - creating a language rich environment, creating reflective speaking experience, creating active listening experiences, creating focussed viewing experiences, creating reflective dramatizing experiences, creating meaningful reading experiences, creating purposeful writing experiences --- An integrated child centered curriculum -- Learning centres -- Record keeping, student evaluation and parental involvement. Has blackline masters.

The highly engaged classroom

Offers advice to help teachers use careful planning and specific strategies to generate high levels of attention and engagement in the classroom, explaining how teachers can incorporate movement, build positive relationships with students, connect lessons to their lives, and encourage them to apply knowledge.


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