encyclopedias and dictionaries

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encyclopedias and dictionaries

Our Earth

Presents an introduction to earth sciences, describing the Earth's composition, geography, weather and climates, and more. Includes information on why and how to protect the Earth, plus activities.

The world of plants

Presents a study of the plant world, including what a plant is, what it does for us, how to grow plants in a garden, which ones are endangered and dangerous, and more. Includes activities.

The world of animals

Presents a study of the animal kingdom, including what they eat, where they live, how they raise their young, and describes jobs that work with animals. Includes activities.

Art around us

Presents an introduction to the visual arts (crafts, painting, sculpture) and performing arts (music and theater). Includes activities.

DK encyclopedia

Provides informational articles arranged in such categories as "World Regions, " "People and Society, " and "History of People.".
Cover image of DK encyclopedia

Find new words with dictionaries

A guide to using a dictionary, including print and online dictionaries, and how to read a dictionary entry.

The World Book encyclopedia 2019

"A 22-volume, highly illustrated, A-Z general encyclopedia for all ages, featuring sections on how to use World Book, other research aids, pronunciation key, a student guide to better writing, speaking, and research skills, and comprehensive index." --Provided by publisher.

Lenny's book of everything

In 1970s Ohio, Lenny and her younger brother, Davey, who suffers from a rare form of gigantism, cope with his declining health by poring over each installment of Burrell's Build-It-at-Home Encyclopedia Set.

Lenny's book of everything

In 1970s Ohio, Lenny and her younger brother, Davey, who suffers from a rare form of gigantism, cope with his declining health by poring over each installment of Burrell's Build-It-at-Home Encyclopedia Set.
Cover image of Lenny's book of everything

Everything you need to know about science

A reference encyclopedia that includes activities, key vocabulary, and web links related to numbers, energy and matter, materials, living things, and space.


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