how illegal immigration, the United Nations, Congressional ripoffs, student loan overcharges, tobacco companies, trade protection, and drug companies are ripping us off-- and what to do about it
Half of all illegal immigrants came into this country legally--and we have no way of knowing whether they're still here. Congressmen are putting their wives on their campaign payrolls--so that campaign contributions are really personal bribes. The ACLU won't allow its own directors free speech. Liberals want to strip us of the tools to stop terrorism. The UN is a cover for massive corruption--and eighty countries, who pay 12 percent of the budget, are blocking reform. Drug companies pay off doctors to write prescriptions--whether we need them or not. Teachers' unions block the firing of bad teachers--and battle against higher education standards. Katrina victims are being stiffed by their insurance companies. Special interests cost our consumers $45 billion--through trade quotas that save only a handful of jobs. Never heard of these abuses? That's why Morris and McGann wrote this book.--From publisher description.