
Geographic Name

Courage and consequence

my life as a conservative in the fight
Senior advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff to former president George W. Bush Karl Rove reflects on his political career, discussing his college experiences, campaign victories, political philosophy, criticisms, role in the War on Terror, and other related topics.

The shadow factory

the ultra-secret NSA from 9/11 to the eavesdropping on America

It's the middle class, stupid!

Addresses the decline of the middle class, examining where the United States government has gone wrong and what voters can do about it.

Real enemies

conspiracy theories and American democracy, World War I to 9/11
The author examines why so many people believe in conspiracy theories and the idea that the U.S. government has engaged in crimes against its own citizens; and analyzes such issues as the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941, Kennedy assassination, Watergate, and the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The dark side

the inside story of how the War on Terror turned into a war on American ideals

The U.S. economic crisis

This book examines the root causes of the current economic crisis in the U.S., as well as financial markets, economic regulation, economic theory, and the housing crisis.

The illusion of control

force and foreign policy in the twenty-first century

100 people who are screwing up America-- and Al Franken is #37

Goldberg takes aim at the America Bashers (the cultural elites who look down their snobby noses at "ordinary" Americans), the Hollywood Blowhards (incredibly ditzy celebrities who think they're smart just because they're famous), the TV Schlockmeisters, the Intellectual Thugs (bigwigs at some of our best colleges), and many more. Some supposedly "serious" journalists also made the list. But Goldberg doesn't just round up the usual suspects we have come to know and detest. He also exposes some of the people who operate away from the limelight but still manage to pull a lot of strings and do all sorts of harm to our culture. Most of all, this book is about a country where as long as anything goes, as one of the good guys in the book puts it, sooner or later everything will go.--From publisher description.


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