Taste of culture

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Foods of Colombia

Provides insights into the geography, daily life, culture, and history of Columbia through a look at the country's foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits, and food sources.

Foods of Ghana

Explores the foods, customs, eating habits, traditions, and food sources of Ghana, with photographs and recipes.

Foods of Chile

Explores the foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits, and food sources of Chile.

Foods of Indonesia

Explores the foods, customs, eating habits, traditions, and food sources of Indonesia, with photographs and recipes.

Foods of Canada

Provides insights into the geography, daily life, culture, and history of Canada through a look at the country's foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits, and food sources.

Foods of Scandinavia

Learn about the the foods of the Scandinavian countries: explore the foods, cooking traditions, customs, and more.

Foods of Spain

Provides insights into the geography, daily life, culture, and history of Spain through a look at the country's foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits, and food sources.

Foods of Thailand

Introduces the reader to the main dishes of Thailand and the customs of this country in regard to food.

Foods of Kenya

Provides insights into Kenya and its culture through a look at the country's foods, cooking traditions, customs, eating habits, and food sources.

Foods of Pakistan

Simple text and photographs describe different foods from Pakisatan. Includes recipes.


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