Rose, Simon

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La C?mara de Representantes

Una exploraci?n de la C?mara de Representantes, cubriendo lo que es, su historia, ser un representante, c?mo se aprueba un proyecto de ley, y m?s.

La Corte Suprema

Una exploraci?n de la Corte Suprema, cubriendo lo que es, su papel, los jueces, c?mo se deciden los casos, y m?s.

Resource conservation

Looks at all the ways animals have adapted to save their energy and store their resources. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Supreme Court

An exploration of the Supreme Court, covering what it is, its role, justices, how cases are decided, and more.

La presidencia

Una mirada a la oficina del presidente, cubriendo lo que es, el papel del presidente, la residencia ejecutiva, presidentes notables, elecciones y m?s.


The Zapotecs make up the largest Indigenous group in southern Mexico. The current population of Zapotec people worldwide is estimated to be between 800,000 and 1,000,000. Learn more about the myths, traditions, and social activities of this Indigenous group.

Family groups

Describes the many adaptations of different groups of animals.

House of Representatives

An exploration of the House of Representatives, covering what it is, its history, being a representative, how a bill is passed, and more.

Office of the president

A look at the office of the president, covering what it is, the president's role, the executive residence, notable presidents, elections, and more.


An exploration of the United States Senate, covering what it is, its role, the Senate chamber, how a bill is passed, and more.


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