Rose, Simon

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A study of the Andromeda constellation, covering the princess after whom it was named, its origins and history, how it has been studied, careers in astronomy, and other related topics.
Cover image of Andromeda


An introduction to ticks, explaining what they look like, what they eat, their life cycles, and discussing why ticks are so deadly and what people do to fight them.
Cover image of Ticks


A look at the constellation Orion, covering the mythological hero after whom it was named, its stars, how it has been studied, and other related topics.
Cover image of Orion

Aung San Suu Kyi

A biography of Aung San Suu Kyi, the daughter of Gen. AungSan who helped to win the independence of Burma, and describes her work to establish democracy for her nation.

Air Force

Introduces the U.S. Air Force, and discusses the history of the Air Force, uniforms, aircraft, jobs, and more.


Introduces the U.S. Army, the largest of the five branches of the military, and discusses the history of the Army, uniforms, weapons and equipment, jobs, and more.

World War II, 1939-1945

Describes the United States' involvement in World War II, including incidents leading to the war, some important events and people, and the aftermath.

The Vietnam War, 1954-1975

Discusses the Vietnam War and America's involvement.

Evaluating arguments about technology

"Is constant access to technology safe for children? Should driverless vehicles replace human-controlled cars? Every day, we hear arguments about technology issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using three relatable and accessible technology-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues"--Provided by publisher.

Evaluating arguments about the environment

Does bottled water do more harm than good? Should clear-cutting for agriculture be allowed? Every day, we hear arguments about environmental issues in the media. This book gives readers the tools to make sense of and evaluate some of these arguments. Using relatable and accessible environment-related examples, this book introduces readers to the parts of an effective argument and prompts them to use the knowledge they have gained to evaluate the effectiveness of arguments on opposing sides of the issues.


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