Superlibros Santillana

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A beginning Spanish language text that illustrates the concepts of size, shape, and color.

La visita de la primavera

Spring decides to pay a visit to a city in which flowers are unknown because spring has not been there.

El mandar?n y los p?jaros

The ruler of an Eastern country hears beautiful music that he cannot identify until a merchant tells him that the sounds are made by a creature unknown in that land--a bird.

Las fantas?as de la lechera

On her way to sell milk at the market, a young girl dreams so much about what she will buy that she spills the milk she is carrying.

La estatua y el jardincito

After standing for years in a little garden in the middle of a busy street, a statue is removed to make room for traffic.

El arco iris y los p?jaros

An Indian legend from Latin America tells how the birds got their colors after they encountered a rainbow.

La gallina Paulina

None of the other animals will help the hen plant or reap the wheat, but they are eager to eat the bread she bakes with it.


Four groups of shapes always played within their groups. One day they start to play with each other and realize how much more fun they can have.
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