
Topical Term

The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks

Examines the experiences of the children and husband of Henrietta Lacks, who, twenty years after her death from cervical cancer in 1951, learned doctors and researchers took cells from her cervix without consent which were used to create the immortal cell line known as the HeLa cell; provides an overview of Henrietta's life; and explores issues of experimentation on African-Americans and bioethics.

The octopus scientists

exploring the mind of a mollusk
Explores the octopus, discussing how it changes colors, how their behavior can reveal the health of the worlds oceans, and more, as well as the work of scientiststo learn more about it.

Can you stop a volcanic disaster?

an interactive eco adventure
Written in you choose format, explains what happens when a volcano erupts, and it is up to the reader to stop a volcanic disaster.

The premonition

a pandemic story
"For those who could read between the lines, the censored news out of China was terrifying. But the president insisted there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately, we are still a nation of skeptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst-case scenarios. Michael Lewis's taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of COVID-19. The characters you will meet in these pages are as fascinating as they are unexpected. A thirteen-year-old girl's science project on transmission of an airborne pathogen develops into a very grown-up model of disease control. A local public-health officer uses her worm's-eye view to see what the CDC misses, and reveals great truths about American society. A secret team of dissenting doctors, nicknamed the Wolverines, has everything necessary to fight the pandemic: brilliant backgrounds, world-class labs, prior experience with the pandemic scares of bird flu and swine flu...everything, that is, except official permission to implement their work. Michael Lewis is not shy about calling these people heroes for their refusal to follow directives that they know to be based on misinformation and bad science. Even the internet, as crucial as it is to their exchange of ideas, poses a risk to them. They never know for sure who else might be listening in"--Provided by publisher.


the Hurricane Hunters and their fateful flight into Hurricane Janet
Chronicles the experiences of Air Force and Navy pilots in the 1950s who flew into raging storms to gauge their strength and predict their paths, relying on rudimentary radar systems to locate the hurricane's eye and estimate the drift of their aircraft by looking at windblown waves below.

Jane Goodall

Tells the story of Jane Goodall, her childhood in England, her groundbreaking work in Africa, and her role as a globetrotting ambassador of the conservation movement.

The shocking secret of the electric eel...and more!

Students will discover amazing adaptations that help animals survive in their environments.

The secret of the squiggly green bombers-- and more!

Students will discover amazing adaptations that help animals survive in their environments.

The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks

Documents the story of how scientists took cells from an unsuspecting descendant of freed slaves and created a human cell line that has been kept alive indefinitely, enabling discoveries in such areas as cancer research, in vitro fertilization and gene mapping.

The search for a COVID-19 vaccine

Discusses the COVID-19 pandemic, search for the vaccine, and subsequent challenges in distributing it.


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