school librarian participation in curriculum planning

Topical Term
school librarian participation in curriculum planning

Connecting libraries with classrooms

the curricular roles of the media specialist
Explores the role of the media specialist in the curriculum, examining the collaboration of media specialists with classroom teachers, administrators, students, and the community, and discussing three areas of the curriculum, the needs of special student populations, and educational trends.

A guided inquiry approach to high school research

Presents techniques and supporting materials to assist high school students in research, includes detailed project lessons, student handouts, and assessment tools.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and the school library

inquiry-based education
Examines the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and school libraries, covering what the IBDP is, a profile of the learner, how school libraries fit into the program, and more.

Integrating multicultural literature in libraries and classrooms in secondary schools

Provides strategies and lesson plans for using multicultural literature in middle and secondary classrooms; discussing the cultivation of readers, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, religion, socioeconomics, geographic orientation, language and country of origin, popular culture, and advocacy. Includes book list and suggestions for classroom use.

Collaborating for project-based learning in grades 9-12

A project-based approach to learning that offers high school media specialists practical strategies for collaborating with teachers to help students in every curriculum area.

Curriculum Connections

Through the Library
Contents: I. Building Independent Learners; II. Mapping the Curriculum; III.Teaching and Assessing; IV. Creating Colaborative Learning Communities.

The collaboration handbook

Presents strategies for increasing the level of collaboration and achievement in the classroom with cooperation, use of data-based analysis, and integration of new technologies.

Information literacy and the school library media center

Presents a concise guide to implementing a school library media center, and teaches information literacy skills that meet state and national curriculum standards in all subject areas.

21st-century learning in school libraries

Examines the evolving standards for learning in the digital age of the twenty-first century, with more than ninety articles that discuss key themes, ideals for successful school libraries, inquiry, collaboration, assessments, reading, and pedagogical strategies; and includes discussion questions for each chapter.

Collaborative teaching in the middle grades

inquiry science
Presents a comprehensive guide for collaborative teaching in the middle school science classroom, and contains reproducible worksheets, assessment tools, lesson overviews, and library and general science skills.


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