curriculum planning

Topical Term
curriculum planning

Curriculum 21

essential education for a changing world
Contains articles that discuss ideas to improve and update the K-12 curriculum to prepare students for life in the twenty-first century, covering content and assessments, program structures, technology and media literacy, globalization, sustainability, and the thinking habits of students, teachers, and administrators.

Arts with the brain in mind

Argues that art programs should be a core part of all school curriculum, explaining how integrating art into all areas of study can improve students' brain function and comprehension.

Exploring math with books kids love

Presents twenty-six units for use in intermediate and middle school classrooms that show how to use literature to teach the math concepts of geometry, measurement, computation and estimation, statistics, algebra, patterns, and functions, and number relationships, systems, and theory.

What your second grader needs to know

fundamentals of a good second-grade education
Presents a supplement to classroom education in order to help second graders progress in school and be effective in society.

Writing lessons using the multiple intelligences

Grades 3-5
Writing is the subject of this book. Since writing across the curriculum has become an important part of the educational process, some lessons in this book cover more than one subject of the curriculum.

Dimensions of learning

teacher's manual
Presents the Dimensions of Learning teaching model for grades K-12, which integrates the five types of thinking that comprise the learning process; explicitly teaches mental habits and attitudes that facilitate learning; and focuses on students' use of knowledge instead of information recall.

Reaching potentials

appropriate curriculum and assessment for young children


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