This expanded version of the traditional rhyme shows what happens to the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker when they go fishing in their tub. Includes music on the last page.
Twelve-year-old Meggie learns that her father Mo, a bookbinder, can "read" fictional characters to life when an evil ruler named Capricorn, freed from the novel "Inkheart" years earlier, tries to force Mo to release an immortal monster from the story.
Sabrina and Daphne Grimm return to New York City to investigate the death of an important Everafter, and discover a secret that might lead them to the Scarlet Hand.
When Dish and Spoon run away, their nursery rhyme friends Cat, Cow, and Dog set out to rescue them in time for the next evening's reading of their rhyme.
Sabrina and Daphne Grimm return to New York City to investigate the death of an important Everafter, and discover a secret that might lead them to the Scarlet Hand.
The adventures of various nursery rhyme and fairy tale characters, including Goldilocks, Jack and Jill, the frog prince, Cinderella, and the gingerbread man, are retold in backward sequence with each tale interrelated to the other.
Pursued by the sinister Dr. DeWilde and his ravenous wolves, three sisters--Storm, the inheritor of a special musical pipe, the elder Aurora, and the baby Any--flee into the woods and begin a treacherous journey filled with many dangers as they try to find a way to defeat their pursuer and keep him from taking the pipe and control of the entire land.
A series of letters describe the actions of Goldilocks, Peter Rabbit, the Three Pigs, Little Red Hen, and other storybook characters when Little Red Hen and her chicks become the target of the unsavory Wolf and his cousin, Fer O'Cious.