After an archaeological dig at Glastonbury Tor in England uncovers the Holy Grail, Felicity and her mother, a professor of Arthurian literature, find that their destinies are linked across time with the Grail and the legendary King Arthur.
After he and his mother flee for their lives, a young boy goes to King Arthur for help in winning back his castle from his wicked uncle, and discovers his father is still alive.
Based on Malory's fifteenth century Morte d'Arthur, this book presents an idealized Middle Ages, a world filled with violent tests of courage, clamorous and raging battle, adventurous quests, and yearning love of knight and damsel.
Medraut, the bitter, illegitimate son of King Artos, is tempted into joining Morgause, the king's treacherous sister, in a plot against Lleu, the legitimate Prince of Britain.