Two novels in which a young, resurrected Merlin and two friends attempt to bring King Arthur back to Britain, then struggle against the evil plots of Morgan Le Fey to build a new and better civilization in the wake of a nuclear holocaust.
Kayley and Garrett travel to the Forbidden Forest to rescue Excalibur and return it to King Arthur so that he can claim his rightful place as the king of Camelot.
Five hundred years after the Devastation destroys modern civilization, the young Merlin and two friends succeed in bringing back King Arthur to Britain in the grip of a nuclear winter and together they struggle to build a new and better society despite the evil plotting of Morgan Le Fay. Sequel to "Winter of Magic's Return.".
A farmer's son becomes Gwalchmai's a servant and travels through Britain with this knight of the Round Table, son of the reacherous Morgawse, searching for Princess Elidan.