I wonder why

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I wonder why caterpillars eat so much and other questions about life cycles

Information about the life cycles of various animals, plants, and insects is presented in a question and answer format.

I Wonder Why

Questions about why castles had moats and other things long ago.

I Wonder Why

Questions why the wind blows and other questions about our planet.

I Wonder Why

Why Countries fly flags and other questions about people and places.

I wonder why fish grew legs and other questions about prehistoric life

Uses a question and answer format to teach children about prehistoric life, dinosaurs, evolution, and early humans.

I wonder why triceratops had horns and other questions about dinosaurs

Provides answers to over thirty questions about dinosaurs, discussing how many dinosaurs there were, which of them went fishing, what they ate, how fossils are found, and other topics.

I wonder why Greeks built temples and other questions about Ancient Greece

Provides answers to questions about the clothing, food, weapons, religion, and other aspects of daily life in ancient Greece.

I wonder why the Sahara is cold at night and other questions about deserts

Uses a question-and-answer format to teach young readers about deserts, their climate, and the plants, animals, and people who live there.

I wonder why mountains have snow on top and other questions about mountains

Poses and answers thirty-one questions about mountains, such as: Can snow move mountains?, How high do birds nest? and Why do climbers wear spikes?.


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