I wonder why

Compare Series: 

I wonder why triceratops had horns and other questions about dinosaurs

Questions and answers about various dinosaurs including which dinosaurs fished, did dinosaurs sing or swim, and which was the biggest dinosaur?.

I wonder why snakes shed their skin and other questions about reptiles

Presents illustrated, factual answers to such questions about reptiles as why snakes flick their tongues, which reptile is the most caring mother, and what animal is like a submarine.

I wonder why trees have leaves, and other questions about plants

Questions and answers explore the world of plants, covering such aspects as leaves, roots, stems, seeds, and fruit.

I wonder why spiders spin webs

and other questions about creepy crawlies
Provides the answers to forty questions about mosquitos, bees, grasshoppers, and other insects and spiders.

I wonder why castles had moats

and other questions about long ago
Questions and answers about castles, knights, and the times of long ago.

I wonder why tunnels are round

and other questions about building

I wonder why Romans wore togas and other questions about Ancient Rome

Questions and answers introduce the clothing, food, language, religion, and other aspects of daily life in Ancient Rome.

I wonder why snakes shed their skins and other questions about reptiles

Answers such questions about reptiles as why do snakes stare, why are frogs and newts reptiles, and which reptile lives longest.

I wonder why the sea is salty

and other questions about the oceans
A collection of questions and answers about the oceans including "What is sand made of?" and "Which sea animals sing like canaries?".


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