

Plastic fantastic

how the biggest fraud in physics shook the scientific world
Discusses the scientific scandal that arose when researchers at Bell Laboratories discovered that wunderkind physicist Jan Hendrik Sch?n falsified his data to prove that he had discovered a simpler way to make transistors, which would have drastically improved energy technology.

Paddle your own canoe

one man's fundamentals for delicious living
Presents in his own words Nick Offerman's thoughts on a variety of topics, such as manliness, religion, comedy, wooing women, woodworking, grilling meat, and outdoor activities.

The Bird market of Paris

a memoir
Nikki Moustaki grew up in 1980s Miami, the only child of parents who worked, played, and traveled for luxury sports car dealerships. At home, her doting grandmother cooked for and fed her, but it was her grandfather--an evening-gown designer, riveting storyteller, and bird expert--who was her mentor and dearest companion. Like her grandfather, Nikki fell hard for birds. 'Birds filled my childhood,' she writes, 'as blue filled the sky.' Her grandfather showed her how to hypnotize chickens, sneak up on pigeons, and handle baby birds. He gave her a white dove to release for luck on each birthday. And he urged her to visit the bird market of Paris someday. But by the time Nikki graduated from college and moved to New York City, she was succumbing to alcohol and increasingly unable to care for her flock. When her grandfather died, guilt-ridden Nikki drank even more. In a last-ditch effort to honor her grandfather, she flew to France hoping to visit the bird market of Paris to release a white dove. Instead, something astonishing happened there that saved Nikki's life.

Jennifer Lopez

Discusses Jennifer Lopez's involvement in many industries, including music, fashion, and beauty, and her influence on young people today.


eating locally on the 100-mile diet
When Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon decide to experiment with foods for one year, they only ate foods produced within 100 miles of their home. Describes their interesting encounters and connections with the people that produced the foods they ate.

Fire shut up in my bones

a memoir
Journalist Charles Blow describes his coming of age in a segregated Louisiana town, the childhood event that scarred him, his education, and his triumph over his past.

My grandfather would have shot me

a Black woman discovers her family's Nazi past
"The memoir of a German-Nigerian woman who learns that her grandfather was the brutal Nazi commandant depicted in Schindler's List, Amon Goeth"--Provided by publisher.

Queen Latifah

award winning actress and hip-hop activist
Chronicles the life and career of rap and film star Queen Latifah.

True love

Explores the life and career of Jennifer Lopez.

Without you, there is no us

my time with the sons of North Korea's elite
Every day, three times a day, the students march in two straight lines, singing praises to Kim Jong-il and North Korea--"without you there is no motherland. Without you, there is no us." Suki Kim has come to North Korea to teach English but it is 2011 and all the universities have been shut down for an entire year, the students sent to construction fields--all except for the 270 students of the all-male Pyongyang University of Science and Technology. As the weeks pass, Suki is mystified at how easily her students lie and how devoted they are to the regime. As she begins to hint at the life outside of North Korea, her students offer glimpses of their private selves--proving that all their curiosity has not yet been extinguished. Then Kim Jong-il dies and the students are devastated. She wonders whether the gulf between their world and hers can ever be bridged. Suki Kim was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea and now lives in New York.


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