public libraries

Topical Term
public libraries

The readers' advisor's companion

Through 16 timely articles, some of the most noted authorities, outspoken advocates, and stellar practitioners offer their insights and ideas on readers' advisory services.

Claim to fame

Summer is almost gone, and third-grader Abby Spencer and her friends, the Book Bunch, are spending their time working on a play for the local public library, and visiting Abigail Flynn at the Evergreen Nursing Home.

Nonfiction readers' advisory

Explores how readers' advisors can expand their repertoire and make better use of the library's collection by incorporating nonfiction into the readers' advisory.


101 programs to use with preschoolers
Storytime programs, for ages two through five, including simple programs, puppet shows, and crafts.

La biblioteca

Text and photographs introduce a visit to the library, and explains some of things a patron can do in the library such as performing research and using the computer, along with checking out books. Written in English and Spanish.

Books, babies, and libraries

serving infants, toddlers, their parents & caregivers
Discusses the library's role in early childhood and parent education.

Out to lunch

Between working on the medieval project for third grade and helping move books and redecorate the children's section at the public library, Abby Spencer and her friends, the Book Bunch, have their hands full--but Mrs. Mackenzie has promised them a really special lunch as a reward.

Wireless networking

a how-to-do-it manual for librarians
A practical guide to wireless networking for librarians that explains the benefits of creating a wireless network in the library and offers step-by-step instructions for creating and maintaining a network.

La biblioteca

Text and photographs introduce a visit to the library, and explains some of things a patron can do in the library such as performing research and using the computer, along with checking out books. Written in English and Spanish.


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