Fountas, Irene C

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Guiding Readers and Writers

Guiding Readers and Writers

Prompting guide

for comprehension : thinking, talking, and writing
A flip-chart tool designed to help teachers demonstrate, prompt for, and reinforce effective reading behaviors related to comprehension.
Cover image of Prompting guide

The Fountas & Pinnell literacy continuum

a tool for assessment, planning, and teaching
Cover image of The Fountas & Pinnell literacy continuum

Prompting guide for oral reading and early writing

A flip-chart tool for educators to help guide reading and writing lessons.
Cover image of Prompting guide for oral reading and early writing

Guided reading

responsive teaching across the grades
Cover image of Guided reading

Guiding Readers and Writers

Guiding Readers and Writers

Fountas and Pinnell benchmark assessment system 2

The assessment measures decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills for students in grades 3-8. The set of books, recording forms, and other materials serve as an assessment tool for teachers, literacy specialists, and clinicians to use in determining students' developmental reading levels for the purpose of informing instruction and documenting reading progress.

The Fountas and Pinnell leveled book list K-8+

Provides a leveled list of more than 45,000 books suitable for classroom reading for the 2013-2015 school years. Offers a variety of classic and contemporary titles and a wide range of choices within each genre, organized alphabetically by title.


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