Levine, Shar

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flowering plants, ferns, mosses, and other plants
Describes the main groups of plants and their role in the world. Includes up-close color photographs and side-bars.


mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and other animals
Describes the different animal species organized by their phyla, class, and features. Includes case histories and color photographs and illustrations.

Scary science

24 creepy experiments
Presents simple science experiments that create spooky, disgusting, and unusual results, with scientific and historical facts and information about how the experiments work.

Quick-but-great science fair projects

Provides information on the basics of science fair projects and suggestions for a variety of projects using easily obtainable materials.


flowering plants, ferns, mosses, and other plants
An introduction to the plant kingdom that discusses how the organisms within it are classified and describes their interactions with other life-forms.

Mighty machines

Presents twelve experiments that answer simple questions about force fields, levers, pulleys, wheels and axles, inclined planes, screws, and wedges and require little help from adults.

The optics book

fun experiments with light, vision & color
Explores the properties of light and color by means of experiments and analysis of various optical instruments including periscopes, and telescopes.


mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and other animals
A discussion of animals, one of the six major classifications of living organisms, explaining what animals are, and describing sponges, cnidarians, and worms, mollusks and echinoderms, arthropods, fish and amphibians, reptiles and birds, and mammals.


a player's guide
Provides information on the history of marbles, how they are made, different kinds of marbles, and the games you can play with them.

The ultimate bubble book

soapy science fun
This is a collection of experiments on the science of bubbles, from preparing bubble solution to making bubble candy, an old-fashioned confection sometimes called seafoam or honeycomb.


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