
Topical Term


Thirteen-year-old Dylan follows his father into the woods on the slopes of Mount St. Helens, which is on the brink of another eruption, in an attempt to protect the resident Sasquatch from ruthless hunters.
Cover image of Sasquatch

Bigfoot and other monsters

Describes the mythology and legend of Bigfoot, and other monsters including the Loch Ness monster, the Yeti, and more.
Cover image of Bigfoot and other monsters

Is bigfoot real?

Presents the evidence (or lack therof) and stories of both reported sightings and hoaxes of the large, hairy, man-like creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch.


Explores the more famous sightings and stories of Bigfoot.


When Kianna, youngest of the Pony Girls, is frightened by stories that Bigfoot may be living close to Storm Cliff Stables, fellow Pony Girl Gabriela sets out to discover the truth, and expose the trickster.
Cover image of Gabriela

Investigating Sasquatch

Explores the mystery of the Sasquatch monster, describing the history of the legend, various Sasquatch sightings, evidence, Sasquatch theories, and more.
Cover image of Investigating Sasquatch


"A countdown of five of the most intriguing Bigfoot encounters provides thrills as readers learn about the legendary characteristics of these mythical creatures"--.
Cover image of Bigfoot

Sasquatch island

Darius, Alec, Jasmine, and Sammi (the Wilderness Warriors) are on a late season camping trip to Pine Island in Lake Michigan, with Sammi's father, Mr. Horton, as their guide; but soon they find themselves followed by something that seems to be almost human, and their base camp is torn up--then one morning they wake up to find Mr. Horton missing, and suddenly the kids are in a fight for survival.
Cover image of Sasquatch island


Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, has been hunted by people throughout North America for centuries. Many people claim to have seen its large footprints. But is it real, or just folklore?.
Cover image of Bigfoot

Bigfoot and yeti

myth or reality?
"Provides evidence and tools with which readers can investigate the possibility of the existence of creatures known as bigfoot and yeti"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Bigfoot and yeti


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