Scholastic teaching strategies

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Easy and effective ways to communicate with parents

Offers advice to teachers on how to build positive relationships with parents, discussing the parent-teacher partnership, explaining how to start the year off right, looking at methods of communicating with parents, and considering techniques for defusing tension, and dealing with serious issues.

10 writing lessons for the overhead

Presents ten short lessons and models for teaching the elements of writing, and features classroom-tested writing samples on overhead transparencies.

Nonfiction passages with graphic organizers for independent practice

To help students read and understand nonfiction with 30 high-interest passages -- encounter different types of nonfiction text -- practice reading illustrations and non-verbal matter -- gain experience with important text structures -- includes follow-up comprehension questions, a graphic organizer, and a writing prompt to yield purposeful homework that's linked to the standards.

The new kindergarten

teaching reading, writing & more

Ready-to-use reading assessments & intervention strategies for K-2

Contains ready-to-use rubrics, record-keeping sheets, student profiles, and assessments with reproducible testing mini-books designed to help teachers evaluate student reading and guide their literary instruction for students in kindergarten, first, and second grade.

15 easy lessons that build basic writing skills in grades K-2

Contains fifteen lessons and activities designed to help students in grades K through 2 improve their writing skills.

Just-right writing mini-lessons

Contains seventy-five mini-lessons designed to help first graders learn the essential skills and strategies beginning writers need.

35 learning tools for practicing essential reading and writing strategies

Contains thirty-five mini-lessons with reproducible bookmarks, checklists, strategy cards, and trifolds designed to help students in grades four through eight improve their reading and writing skills.

Writing lessons for the overhead, Grades 5 and up

Contains twenty transparencies that show models of strong writing with companion mini-lessons for students in grades five and up.

10 easy writing lessons that get kids ready for writing assessments

Presents ten progressive lessons teachers may use to prepare students in grades three through six for standardized writing assessment tests, and includes strategies for including writing skills in other curriculum areas, improving students' spelling and proofreading skills, and creating related bulletin board displays.


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