academic achievement

Topical Term
academic achievement

The value of excellence

A discussion of the benefits of excellence and how to achieve it.

Breaking free from myths about teaching and learning

innovation as an engine for student success
Analyzes persistent myths about teaching and learning and offers ideas and strategies for dispelling them through creativity, fresh thinking, innovation, and authentic assessments.

Excellence without excuse

the Black student's guide to academic excellence
Practical guide to higher education for African Americans, covering such topics as how assumptions black student's make about whites affect their academic careers, how to get grades changed, how to remember what the professor says in lectures, and how to balance study, work, family responsibilities, and fun.

Great places to learn

creating asset-building schools that help students succeed

Music makes the difference

Collects eleven essays on music and young children, academic achievement, and the intrinsic value of music education, with information on print and online resources.

No excuses

closing the racial gap in learning
Examines the performance rate of African-American and Hispanic students compared to others, the reasons several programs including Head Start and Title I have not closed the gap, and possible solutions.

"Doing school"

how we are creating a generation of stressed out, materialistic, and miseducated students
Denise Clark Pope reveals what she learned about today's over-achieving and overly stressed high school students while following five motivated and successful students through a school year.

The achievement gap

Contains essays that offer varying perspectives on topics associated with academic achievement in the United States, discussing education equalization and related issues.

Mindsets in the classroom

building a culture of success and student achievement in schools
Presents a guide to learning for teachers, focusing on changing students' thinking about success and performance, how to build a growth mindset school culture, and developing students' conceptual understanding of learning and the brain.

Leaders of learning

how district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement
Emphasizes collaborative leadership at the district, principal, team, and individual levels, and advocates the professional learning community (PLC) as the best environment for great teaching and leading; and gives suggestions for ongoing monitoring of student learning, ensuring effective instruction, responding when kids don't learn, and more.


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