academic achievement

Topical Term
academic achievement

The secrets of top students

tips, tools, and techniques for acing high school and college
Offers strategies for studying, learning, and staying motivated in high school and college, featuring advice on managing time, writing essays, taking tests, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Ahead of the curve

the power of assessment to transform teaching and learning
Analyzes issues related to classroom assessment in higher education, with advice on how educators can develop effective assessment strategies for their class.

A chance to make history

what works and what doesn't in providing an excellent education for all
Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp shares stories of educational leaders who have transformed the lives of their students despite their socioeconomic backgrounds and offers strategies for ending educational inequalities in the United States.

The trouble with boys

a surprising report card on our sons, their problems at school, and what parents and educators must do
An exploration of the debate over the education of boys and sex difference in education that discusses reasons boys may be falling behind and examines what can be done to help them.

Dumbing down our kids

why American children feel good about themselves but can't read, write, or add

Education and college

Contains over twenty essays written by and for teens that offer advice on surviving high school, choosing a college, and the admissions process, and discuss alternatives to the four-year college.

Failure is not an option

six principles that guide student achievement in high-performing schools
Addresses all of the elements that are absolutely necessary for effective and enduring educational reform.

Whole-faculty study groups

creating student-based professional development
Explains the whole-faculty study group process as an approach to school reform, discussing the role of the principal, the developmental stages of study groups, and other topics, and looking at why the process is so successful when properly applied. Includes forms, action plans, logs, activities, and other resources.

Up from underachievement

how teachers, students, and parents can work together to promote student success
Presents a step-by-step program showing how teachers, parents, and students can work together for student achievement.


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