Gantos, Jack

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Desire lines

When sixteen-year-old Walker gets caught up in a witch-hunt against homosexuals, he is left to stand by and watch as a tragedy unfolds.

Jack's new power

stories from a Caribbean year
When his father moves the family to Barbados, thirteen-year-old Jack learns that life is not always idyllic on an island paradise.

Rotten Ralph's trick or treat!

Sarah's rotten cat Ralph goes to a Halloween costume party dressed as her and creates horrible mischief under the protection of his disguise.

Heads or tails

stories from the sixth grade
Jack's diary helps him deal with his problems which include dog-eating alligators, a terror for an older sister, a younger brother who keeps breaking parts of himself, and next-door neighbors who are really weird.

Practice makes perfect for Rotten Ralph BCD

When he goes to a carnival with Sarah and his cousin Percy, Rotten Ralph learns that winning is not everything.

Swampy Alligator

An alligator who loves to play in mud and slime is given a birthday bath by his friends.

Aunt Bernice

Despite the calamitous experiences of Aunt Bernice and her awful dog, Ida learns to love her outrageous relative.

Hole in my life

The author relates how, as a young adult, he became a drug user and smuggler, was arrested, did time in prison, and eventually got out and went to college, all the while hoping to become a writer.

Hole in my life

The author relates how, as a young adult, he became a drug user and smuggler, was arrested, did time in prison, and eventually got out and went to college, all the while hoping to become a writer.

Jack Adrift

fourth grade without a clue
When his father rejoins the Navy and moves the family to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, ten-year-old Jack becomes confused by a crush on his teacher, contradictory advice from his parents, and a very strange neighbor.


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