Walker, Alice

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In search of our mothers' gardens

womanist prose
African American writer and feminist Alice Walker presents a collection of thirty-six personal and political essays exploring the theories and practices of feminists and feminism incorporating her own idea of the "womanist" tradition of black women.

Overcoming speechlessness

a poet encounters the horror in Rwanda, Eastern Congo, and Palestine/Israel

Revolutionary petunias & other poems

A collection of poems by Alice Walker in which she writes of revolutionaries and lovers.

The temple of my familiar

Three couples, two in crisis, talk about themselves and reconstruct the missing pieces of the past and in the end, they deeply affect one another.

The way forward is with a broken heart

Twentieth-century African-American author Alice Walker presents a memoir of her marriage to a white man in early civil rights-era Mississippi, and several short stories inspired by the marriage's initial magic and its eventual disintegration.

Absolute trust in the goodness of the earth

new poems
Presents more than eighty poems by African-American writer Alice Walker, covering such themes as grief, love, aging, acceptance, and the hectic pace of daily life.

Her blue body everything we know

earthling poems, 1965-1990 complete
A collection of Walker's new and unpublished poems with all her earlier poems, offering a historical perspective on the political and spiritual issues of the last three decades.

Living by the word

selected writings, 1973-1987
A collection of essays and other prose writings concerning planetary concerns as well as feminist and political issues.

In love & trouble

stories of Black women
A collection of stories about African-American women living in the South and their struggles for dignity and love.


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