Tells the story of two African-American sisters: Nettie, a missionary in Africa, and Celie, a child-wife living in the south, in the medium of their letters to each other and in Celie's case, the desperate letters she begins, "Dear God.".
Presents the text of Alice Walker's story "Everyday Use"; contains background essays that provide insight into the story; and features a selection of critical response. Includes a chronology and an interview with the author.
Presents more than eighty poems by African-American writer Alice Walker, covering such themes as grief, love, aging, acceptance, and the hectic pace of daily life.
A black tenant farmer flees Georgia for the North. Years later, he returns home to face his wife's death, his son's imprisonment, and a last chance at personal salvation.
honoring the difficult : a meditation on life, spirit, art, and the making of the film, The Color purple, ten years later
Walker, Alice
Reflections by the author on the period of time in her life when she went from being a reclusive writer to a public figure due to the filming of her book, The Color Purple.
Nineteen fifty-five--How did I get away with killing one of the biggest lawyers in the state? It was easy-Elethia--The lover--Petunias--Coming apart--Fame--(etc.).