psychology of learning

Topical Term
psychology of learning

Brain-friendly strategies for the inclusion classroom

insights from a neurologist and classroom teacher
Neurologist and middle-school teacher Willis describes a number of strategies that educators in inclusion classrooms can use to engage students with and without learning disabilities. These instructional practices draw upon findings from recent research on the learning brain. A number of sample lesson plans for inclusion class activities are provided in the appendix, along with a glossary and an extensive bibliography. Annotation ?2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


a brain-based process for restructuring schools and renewing education

Winners without losers

structures and strategies for increasing student motivation to learn

Unleashing the power of perceptual change

the potential of brain-based teaching
Explains how educators can unleash genuine student potential by understanding the interconnectedness of the brain, mind, and body and by changing their perceptual orientation.

How the brain learns

Presents information and teaching strategies based on brain research, covering such topics as language acquisition, the influence of emotions on learning and memory, thinking skills and Bloom's taxonomy, and assessment of concepts.

Blueprint for student success

a guide to research-based teaching practices, K-12
Expert teacher and trainer Susan Jones offers a reality-based approach to classroom instruction designed to help students in kindergarten through twelfth grade achieve life long success.

Awakening genius in the classroom

Explains that every child is born with genius qualities that teachers should identify and nurture and describes twelve of those qualities that are often ignored by society, educators, and parents.

Reflective practice to improve schools

an action guide for educators
Explains what reflective practice is and how it can be implemented in education, discussing reflection by individuals, with partners, in small groups, and by entire schools.

Getting to "got it!"

helping struggling students learn how to learn
Offers advice to teachers on how to identify and address underlying impediments to learning and help students enhance their learning capabilities through the development of comparative thinking cognitive structures.


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