DiTerlizzi, Tony

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A giant problem

As giants start waking up and destroying everything around their Florida neighborhood, Nick, Laurie, Jules, and Cindy work frantically to find a solution.

The Nixie's Song

A Giant Problem

The wrath of Mulgarath

Jared, Mallory, and Simon Grace challenge the ogre that has kidnapped their mother.

The seeing stone

When Mallory and Jared attempt to rescue Simon from goblins, they use a magical stone which enables them to see things that are normally invisible.

Lucinda's secret

With goblins, trolls, and the house boggart all trying to get them, the Grace children turn to Great Aunt Lucinda for help.

The Ironwood tree

After Mallory is kidnapped at her fencing meet, Jared and Simon search for her near an old quarry and find themselves amidst dwarves and goblins.

The field guide

When the Grace children go to stay at their Great Aunt Lucinda's worn Victorian house, they discover a field guide to fairies and other creatures and begin to have some unusual experiences.

Arthur Spiderwick's field guide to the fantastical world around you

Introduces how to prepare for faerie investigations and faerie world basics, then provides sections on 31 faerie species plus an addendum by Jared Grace.


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