DiTerlizzi, Tony

Compare Name: 

Lucinda's Secret

The Field Guide

The Spider and the Fly

Jimmy Zangwow's out-of-this-world, moon pie adventure

When Jimmy's mother won't let him have any moon pies for a snack, he takes a trip to the moon to get some.

Star wars

the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
"Retells Luke Skywalker's journey from a Tatooine farm boy to a Jedi Knight, as he learns how to use the Force in the battle against the Empire"--OCLC.

The Search for WondLa

Living in isolation with a robot on what appears to be an alien world populated with bizarre life forms, a twelve-year-old human girl called Eva Nine sets out ona journey to find others like her. Features "augmented reality" pages, in which readers with a webcam can access additional information about Eva Nine's world.

The field guide

When the Grace children go to stay at their Great Aunt Lucinda's worn Victorian house, they discover a field guide to fairies and other creatures and begin to have some unusual experiences.

The ironwood tree

After Mallory is kidnapped at her fencing meet, Jared and Simon search for her near an old quarry and find themselves amidst dwarves and goblins.

The wrath of Mulgarath

Jared, Simon, and Mallory Grace take on the challenge of "another world" without departing from this one, and which one will finally triumph is a large question.

The Wrath of Mulgrath

Three ordinary kids, Jared, Simon, and Mallory Grace have entered another world -- without leaving this one.


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