
Topical Term

How STEM built the Roman empire

From the founding of its republic in 509 B.C.E. to the demise of its empire in 476 C.E., Rome dominated the countries of the Mediterranean Sea, the Middle East, and Europe as far north as Britain. Roman scientists, engineers, mathematicians, architects, and others left a rich legacy of roads, aqueducts, bridges, mills, treatises, and more over its thousand-year history and for the centuries to come. This intriguing volume explains the dramatic story of Rome's conquests and triumphs, and how they went hand in hand with advancements in science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM.

Three blue pigeons

Learn to count forwards and back as pigeons come and go in a park.


Investing means purchasing something of value, with the expectation that it will make you more money in the future. To understand investing, you have to understand a variety of terms. Learn about inflation, dividends, bonds, stocks, and more in Investing.

Giving back

Sharing what we have helps others live healthier and happier lives. There are so many ways to give. Learn how to choose the right charity, how much to give, and how to give of your time in Giving Back.

Understanding taxes

Hardly anyone likes paying taxes, but they are necessary. They support your federal, state, and local governments. Learn where tax money goes, the differences between sales and income taxes, and how to make your taxes work for you in Understanding Taxes.

Saving for the future

Readers learn strategies for saving, calculating interest, planning for the future, and more.

Cool math

50 fantastic facts for kids of all ages
Text and illustrations look at fifty ways one can improve their math skills.

Good Will Hunting

a screenplay
Presents the screenplay of "Good Will Hunting," a movie in which a Harvard janitor, who happens to be a mathematical genius, realizes his full potential with the help of an unconventional psychologist.

Math adventures with Python

an illustrated guide to exploring math with code
"Teaches math concepts through programming. Begins with a crash course in basic programming concepts and how to use Python's built-in Turtle module, and then explores topics like writing programs to solve equations and matrices, drawing polygons and fractals, and using the Processing graphics library to create interactive 2D and 3D models"--Provided by publisher.


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