Analyzing the issues

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Critical perspectives on government-sponsored assassinations

"State-sponsored assassinations have been used by the United States since the early twentieth century and became a major tactic used by presidential administrations in the 1980s to fight drug wars in South America. Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the United States has escalated its use of targeted killing. The CIA and Pentagon have employed the controversial practice more than ever before, and President Barack Obamas administration increased drone-targeted killing and special forces dramatically. This text looks at both the history and current use of government-sponsored assassinations, providing . . . analysis from multiple perspectives about the issues, politics, and ethics behind state-sponsored killing to help students think critically about the issue today"

Critical perspectives on sexual harassment and gender violence

"Explores the many facets of the conversation surrounding sexual harassment and gender violence so that readers understand the causes, forms, and impact of these two interconnected issues"--Provided by publisher.

Critical perspectives on whistleblowers and leakers

"In this book, experts weigh in on the importance of whistleblowers and leakers--and the damage they might cause--so that readers can form their own opinions on this . . . issue"--Provided by publisher.

Critical perspectives on labor unions

Labor unions have helped shape American history, but are they still relevant today? In this volume of critical perspectives, readers will hear from experts in the field about the history of labor unions and their lasting, and controversial, effects on American workers. Readers will be exposed to a range of voices, encouraging them to think critically and analyze the given facts in order to form their own opinions on the issue. Each article provides thought-provoking questions to help boost further discussion of topics.

Critical perspectives on the electoral college

In the ongoing debates surrounding the United States' voting process, few topics are as heatedly discussed as the electoral college. It was established as a safeguard for democracy, but today many fear the electoral college does just the opposite; twice in recent elections the president who won the election did not win the popular vote, and many are concerned that the electoral college has outlasted its relevance. This collection will explore the impact, significance, and history of the electoral college, providing students with a wide-ranging look at what this institution means and key ideas about its future.

Critical perspectives on gerrymandering

As the United States becomes more politically divided, the issue of gerrymandering is at the forefront of political debate. While gerrymandering--or manipulating district boundaries for political advantages--has largely negative connotations, few experts agree about the best way to redraw districts. In this collection, legal experts, politicians, experts, and ordinary citizens weigh in on this controversial and timely topic.

Critical perspectives on whistleblowers and leakers

"In this book, experts weigh in on the importance of whistleblowers and leakers--and the damage they might cause--so that readers can form their own opinions on this . . . issue"--Provided by publisher.
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Critical perspectives on the electoral college

Provides different viewpoints on the United States's voting process, including from politicians, courts, advocates, media, and ordinary people.
Cover image of Critical perspectives on the electoral college

Critical perspectives on political correctness

"Readers examine the widening gap between those who believe political correctness is an unnecessary affectation and those who believe a greater good can be achieved with increased sensitivity in how we talk to, and about, each other"--Provided by publisher.
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