Analyzing the issues

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Critical perspectives on privacy rights and protections in the 21st century

Explores privacy and technology in the 21st century, including activists, the media, and more.

Critical perspectives on free trade and globalization

Technology and travel have connected the world like never before, making it easier than ever to trade goods and culture across borders. But with the ease of trade has come questions about how best to use this increased connection, and how all parties can benefit while protecting the world's most vulnerable workers. This book will introduce students to the debate surrounding free trade and globalization to help them understand the nature of international commerce, cultural exchanges brought on through trade, and how the international economy is evolving.

Critical perspectives on the new cold war

As the relationship between the United States and Russia, along with other big players, such as China, has deteriorated, experts are stating that this constitutes a new Cold War.

Critical perspectives on digital monopolies

In our digital age, online companies such as Google and Amazon are experiencing tremendous growth. The power and influence of these digital companies was demonstrated in September 2017 when Amazon bought the popular organic grocery Whole Foods for a record 13 million dollars.

Critical perspectives on social justice

Explores the term social justice and what it means in modern society, offering essays with differing perspectives on privilege, equality, and opportunity for all kinds of people in the twenty-first century.
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Critical perspectives on free trade and globalization

Examines the nature of free trade and how increasing globalization is affecting how nations and corporations can trade goods and culture across borders quicker and in greater quantities than ever before. Discusses the current debate about how globalization can be best used to benefit all parties, while also protecting the world's workers.
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Critical perspectives on political correctness

"Readers examine the widening gap between those who believe political correctness is an unnecessary affectation and those who believe a greater good can be achieved with increased sensitivity in how we talk to, and about, each other"--Provided by publisher.
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Critical perspectives on social justice

"... readers will explore what social justice means in modern society and will be challenged to look at the areas in their own lives where they see a need for social justice through essays, reports, and discussions on equality, privilege and opportunity in the twenty-first century"--Back cover.
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Critical perspectives on sexual harassment and gender violence

"Explores the many facets of the conversation surrounding sexual harassment and gender violence so that readers understand the causes, forms, and impact of these two interconnected issues"--Provided by publisher.
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Critical perspectives on millennials

"Millennials are much discussed and debated by the public, media, and government, with many competing ideas about the age group. Including those born between the mid-1980s and early 2000s, the generation is sometimes seen as entitled and lacking in work ethic, while others feel they have proven themselves as innovative and forward thinking ... In this book, arguments about millennials written by experts, researchers, politicians, and others will be laid out side by side so that students can form their own opinions not only about this critical generation, but about how society confronts change and generational differences"--Provided by publisher.
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