nonfiction comics

nonfiction comics

Information now

a graphic guide to student research and web literacy
"[This book] has helped college students address this fundamental issue in the form of a short, humorous graphic guide. It explains how information is organized, both on the open web and in library resources, and how to navigate those sources to find good, trustworthy answers. But the information landscape has changed dramatically in just a few years, and this revised edition explores new questions about who has access to information and about algorithmic bias in how search engines present results. The book also covers online misinformation and offers simple strategies for fact-checking websites. In addition to this expanded topical coverage, this . . . edition includes revised critical thinking exercises in every chapter to help students feel more engaged in improving the information landscape"--Provided by publisher.


relato de un superviviente
Part one of a memoir about Vladek Spiegleman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and about his son, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father, his story, and with history itself. Cartoon format portrays Jews as mice and Nazis as cats.

How music came to the world

a Mexican graphic folktale
In this ancient Mexican folktale, the Aztec Sky god and Wind god attempt to fix silence on Earth by bringing music to the world.

Rachel Carson

In graphic novel format looks at the life of American biologist, Rachel Carson.


a graphic novel
In graphic novel format looks at the life of English-based street artist, political activist and film director, Bansky.

The secret to superhuman strength

". . . graphic memoir of Bechdel's lifelong love affair with exercise, set against a [humorous] chronicle of fitness fads in our times"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"From the cars people drive to the phones in their pockets, computers are found everywhere in our world, and they're becoming smarter. But what makes a computer program intelligent? How can some programs beat humans at chess or trivia games? Can computers and robots really think and learn on their own? Or are they just following complex programming? In this nonfiction graphic novel, readers can follow Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists as they learn how artificial intelligence works and how AI is used in the world today"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the moon. For the next three years, several other missions to the moon helped scientists learn more about space travel. However, nobody has been to the moon since 1972. Today, NASA is planning to go back to the moon for the first time in more than 50 years. In this nonfiction graphic novel, young readers can tag along with Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists to discover how NASA plans to finally return to the moon and establish a permanent presence on Earth's closest neighbor"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the society of super scientists

"Plastic is everywhere . . . even in our oceans[.] But how did it get there, and why does it matter? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists are on a mission to find out. Using their superpowers and super-smarts, the team will break down this complex environmental issue into [a] . . . fact-filled adventure so young readers can learn about the causes and effects of plastic pollution and discover steps we can all take to clean up Earth's waters"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"Ever since the first astronauts traveled to space in the 1960s, scientists and engineers have worked hard to learn more about space travel. What kinds of spaceships will people use in the future? How will their needs be met during the long journey between Earth and some distant world? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists look for the answers to these questions and more as they learn about modern space tourism and the future of space travel"--.


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