nonfiction comics

nonfiction comics

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"Every year, the world's farmers produce a lot of food for people to eat. Yet every night, millions of people around the world go to bed hungry. Why are people going without food when the earth is able to produce so much? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists go on a fact-finding mission to discover the reasons behind food scarcity. Young readers can join the team to find out why many people deal with food insecurity and learn ways that they can help"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"Have you ever wanted to travel to other planets? Maybe you'd like to dive to the bottom of the sea or walk among the dinosaurs. These things don't seem possible. But with virtual reality they can seem real. Strap on a pair of goggles and grab a controller to fight in space battles, fly over mountains, or even take a trip inside the human body. In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists take a tour through the wonders of virtual reality to learn how it works, how it's used today, and what it might look like in the future"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists

"Earth is bombarded every day by objects from space. Most of the time they're harmless. But occasionally much larger objects come along that pose a real threat. If a large asteroid or comet hit Earth, it could change life as we know it. Is there a way to stop these threats before it's too late? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists go on a fact-finding mission to learn about Near-Earth Objects and discover methods that scientists are developing to defend our planet"--Provided by publisher.

Max Axiom and the society of super scientists

"Countless animals around the world are in danger of dying out[.] But why are species going extinct, and what happens when we lose them? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists are on a mission to find out. Using their superpowers and super-smarts, the team will break down this urgent issue into [a] . . . fact-filled adventure so young readers can learn about the causes and effects of animal extinction and endangerment and discover steps we can all take to save Earth's wildlife"--Provided by publisher.

Life of Che

an impressionistic biography


two years in the oil sands
After university, Katie heads out west to take advantage of Alberta's oil rush, part of the long tradition of East Coast Canadians who seek gainful employment elsewhere when they can't find it in the homeland they love so much. With the singular goal of paying off her student loans, what the journey will actually cost Katie will be far more than she anticipates.


"The latest collection of Sarah's Scribbles comics explores the evils of procrastination, the trials of the creative process, the cuteness of kittens, and the beauty of not caring about your appearance as much as you did when you were younger"--Provided by publisher.


how I discovered improv and conquered social anxiety
"A graphic memoir for teens about the author's efforts to overcome her social anxiety by learning improv comedy"--Publisher marketing.

A quick & easy guide to asexuality

"This book is for anyone who wants to learn about asexuality, and for Ace people themselves, to validate their experiences"--Provided by publisher.

The Middle Ages

a graphic guide
"This history takes us through the rise and fall of empires, papacies, caliphates and kingdoms; through the violence and death of the Crusades, Viking raids, the Hundred Years War and the Plague; to the curious practices of monks, martyrs and iconoclasts. We'll see how the foundations of the modern West were established, influencing our art, cultures, religious practices and ways of thinking. And we'll explore the lives of those seen as?ther'--women, Jews, homosexuals, lepers, sex workers and heretics"--Provided by publisher.


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