The baseball trick / Corbett, Scott

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The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

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