Corbett, Scott

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The mailbox trick

The letters which Kerby wrote to the neighborhood bully, the Governor of the State, and the difficult neighbor across the street were just a joke until his little cousin Gay mailed them. Sequel to The lemonade trick.

Rhode Island

An introduction to the geography, history, and cultural life of the smallest state in the Union.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

What makes a boat float?

Explains buoyancy and displacement as well as the physical properties of water and how boats have been adapted to them.

The hairy horror trick

Two boys attempt to persuade a cousin to remain quiet about a secret chemistry set by mixing a startling potion that unexpectedly grows hair on their faces and makes the dog hairless.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The turnabout trick

When the cat buries bones and growls instead of meows and the dog purrs, arches his back and swishes his tail, the two boys enlist the aid of a mysterious little old lady to help them find the reason for such a switch.

What makes a light go on?

Describes where "the electricity comes from that lights the bulb, what happens in the wires that lead to it and in the bulb itself"--Flyleaf.

The disappearing dog trick

A magic potion mixed with his chemistry set enables Kerby and his friend to locate Kerby's missing dog.


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