Corbett, Scott

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The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The red room riddle

Bruce and Bill meet a strange boy with a bulldog who offers to introduce them to the ghosts in his house.

Cop's kid

When they accidentally witness a robbery and one of them is hurt by the robber, two brothers decide to track down the criminal.


Discusses the history of bridges from ancient times to the present and describes the building of various types of bridges.

Here lies the body

Two brothers with summer jobs at a cemetery become involved in the nefarious secrets of the family who owns it.

The case of the silver skull

Inspector Tearle and his detectives watch for suspicious persons during the Gracious Homes Tour of local showplaces.

The hangman's ghost trick

Kevin and Kerby go to scary Bald Mountain at night to search for a rare mystery ingredient that would guarantee the prize in a cookie contest.

The Great McGoniggle switches pitches

With Kilroy High's victory hanging in the balance, Mac McGoniggle calls a surprising pitch in the championhip game against Gunther High.

Dr. Merlin's Magic Shop

When he stumbles across Dr. Merlin's Magic Shop on a foggy day, Nick finds himself pitting his wits against the famous magician.

The foolish dinosaur fiasco

Nick and his dog inadvertently go down Dr. Merlin's magic tunnel and find themselves in Dinosaur Land where Nick is forced to be a dinosaur trainer.


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