Corbett, Scott

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Witch hunt

Sixteen-year-old Les and his best friend get involved in a murder case when they stumble across a coven of witches plotting revenge against a troublesome lawyer.

The trouble with diamonds

After Jeff Adams gets a summer job at a country inn, his first duty is to help the owner trap a suspected jewel thief.

What makes a plane fly?

Describes the principles of flight, covering air pressure; thrust; lift; and weight during take-off, aloft, and in landing.

The mailbox trick

Kerby tries out his new box of stationery, writing nasty notes to his enemies. But the joke is on Kerby when the letters are accidently mailed.

The hockey trick

When three brothers, all extraordinary baseball players, move into the neighborhood, two rival teams play a game of hockey to determine which team will get them.

Grave doubts

Two sixteen-year-old boys, suspicious of the sudden death of an eccentric millionaire, look for a clue to the mystery in the last crossword puzzle the old man worked on.

The great custard pie panic

On a walk through the fog Nick and his dog discover a wonderful bakery but the owner turns out to be the magician, Dr. Merlin!.

The deadly hoax

When taken aboard the spaceship of creatures who announce a plan to save Earth from human beings, Morgan and Sid doubt the beings are from outer space and that their intentions are good.

The lemonade trick

A mysterious potion mixed by Kerby with his chemistry set has a beneficial effect on the neighborhood bully but also causes havoc at the Sunday School pageant.

The lemonade trick

A mysterious potion mixed by Kerby with his chemistry set has a beneficial effect on the neighborhood bully but also wreaks havoc at the Sunday School pageant.


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