Corbett, Scott

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The hateful plateful trick

As a result of an experiment with a chemistry set, three children smell very strongly of the food each detests the most--sauerkraut, corned beef and cabbage, and tomato soup--while the dog smells of apple pie.

Dead before docking

A young boy accidentally discovers that a murder is planned on board his Panama-bound freighter. Who is the victim? Who is the killer?.

The hairy horror trick

Two boys attempt to persuade a cousin to remain quiet about a secret chemistry set by mixing a startling potion that unexpectedly grows hair on their faces and makes the dog hairless.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The baseball trick

A potion from Kerby's chemistry set designed to combat the ringers on the opposing baseball team yields surprising results for Kerby and his friends.

The limerick trick

An English bicycle is the prize offered to the student writing the best limerick.

What makes a boat float?

Explains buoyancy and displacement as well as the physical properties of water and how boats have been adapted to them.

The case of the ticklish tooth

Roger Teale tracks down the man who bound and gagged the dentist and stole a bicycle to escape.

The baseball bargain

Woody is in a dilemma when he is offered a position on the baseball team in exchange for an expensive baseball glove.

The disappearing dog trick

When Waldo disappears without his collar, Kerby and Fenton have no idea where to look for him. A magic chemistry set enables the boys to outwit bullies and sneak by police in their frantic search for Waldo.


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