Miller, Connie Colwell

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Equipos SWAT

armados y listos
Describes SWAT teams, including what they are and what these teams do. Presented in both English and Spanish.
Cover image of Equipos SWAT

Disgusting bugs

Photographs and simple text describe ten disgusting bugs and what they do including ticks, lice, dung beetles, and cockroaches.
Cover image of Disgusting bugs

Disgusting animals

Describes 10 disgusting animals and what makes them gross.
Cover image of Disgusting animals

Disgusting foods

Describes 10 disgusting foods people eat and what makes them gross.
Cover image of Disgusting foods

Disgusting jobs

Describes 10 disgusting jobs and what makes them gross.
Cover image of Disgusting jobs

Enojo es--- =

Angry is---
Photographs and short rhyming verses describe how it feels to be angry.
Cover image of Enojo es--- =

La Agencia Central de Inteligencia

detienen a los terroristas
Describes the CIA, including what it is and what CIA agents do. Presented in both English and Spanish.

The biggest shipwrecks

Humans mastered the science of shipbuilding thousands of years ago. But it's not always smooth sailing on the high seas. Get the details of some of the most disastrous shipwrecks of our times.
Cover image of The biggest shipwrecks

You can handle conflict

hands or words?
In this illustrated choose-your-own-ending book, Quinn deals with conflict on the playground: who will get to use the swing? Readers make choices for Quinn and read what happens next, with each story path leading to different consequences. Includes five different endings and discussion questions.

You're in trouble

fib or truth?
In this illustrated choose-your-own-ending book, George breaks his mother's lamp and is afraid to tell her the truth. Readers make choices for George and read what happens next, with each story path leading to different consequences. Includes three different endings and discussion questions.


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