Miller, Connie Colwell

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Crime scene investigators

uncovering the truth
Describes crime scene investigators, including what they do and how they help catch criminals.

The Central Intelligence Agency

stopping terrorists
An introduction to the CIA that explains what role the CIA plays in stopping terrorist activity and how CIA agents collect their information.

The deadliest weather on Earth

This book describes deadly weather, such as freezing temperatures, blowing winds, hail, floods, droughts, blizzards, thunderstorms, monsoons, tornadoes, hurricanes, and heat waves, and explains what makes these weather conditions dangerous.

The deadliest plants on earth

This book describes deadly plants and what makes them dangerous.

The deadliest places on earth

This book describes deadly places and what makes them dangerous.

The deadliest jobs on Earth

This book describes deadly jobs, such as truck drivers, farmers, small plane pilots, electrical power line workers, construction workers, military troops, police officers, miners, firefighters, iron workers, forest loggers, and offshore fishermen, and explains what makes these jobs dangerous.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

hunting criminals
Describes how the FBI investigates various crimes, sifts through evidence, and hunts down violent criminals.

Great danes

Photographs and simple text describe Great Danes, their physical characteristics, behaviors, and how to care for them.

German shepherds

An introduction to German Shepherds, looking at some of the jobs they can do, explaining what they look like, and discussing how pet owners should take care of the hard-working dogs.


Describes the characteristics of the bloodhound breed of dogs, follows a bloodhound from puppy to adult, and offers advice on how to care for them. Includes color photographs and a glossary.


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