american painting

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american painting

American painting

from its beginnings to the Armory Show
Traces the development of American painting from colonial times to the famous Armory Show held in New York in 1913.

Edward Hopper

paintings & ledger book drawings
In his ledger books, Edward Hopper recorded paintings made and sold, accountings made and payments received, materials used and subjects considered. Juxtaposing selected ledger pages with reproductions of the respective paintings, this original Schirmer/Mosel publication documents the making of and fate of Hopper's most revered works.

Georgia O'Keeffe

Briefly examines the life and work of the twentieth-century American artist known for her paintings of flowers and presents examples of her art.
Cover image of Georgia O'Keeffe

Henry Taylor

the only portrait I ever painted of my momma was stolen
Chronicles the life and work of African American artist Henry Taylor, offering a survey of over 200 of his portraits and street scenes and offering criticism on their meaning and importance in society.
Cover image of Henry Taylor

Impressionism in America

the Ten American Painters
Cover image of Impressionism in America

Edward Hopper

an American master
Color portfolio of the paintings of Edward Hopper, with commentary on the artist's life and work which features the recurring theme of the isolation of individuals in American society.
Cover image of Edward Hopper

Painters of the American scene

Thomas Hart Benton, Edward Hopper, Grant Wood
Showcases masterworks by three painters of the American scene, including Benton, Hopper, and Wood, providing details about their individual styles, techniques, and subjects and challenging viewers to identify the artist of featured paintings.

Dropping in on Grandma Moses

An animated introduction to the life and work of folk artist Anna Mary Robertson Moses, known as Grandma Moses, who did not begin painting until she was seventy years old, that discusses her life and the stories behind some of her most popular works.


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