A guide to understanding American artist Norman Rockwell, discussing his family, his depiction of American life, his civil rights advocacy, and the debate over whether his work is art or illustration. Includes over sixty illustrations.
Offers a brief introduction to the life and work of nineteenth-century artist Mary Cassatt, focusing on her contributions to the Impressionist movement.
Discusses some of the best and most significant work of different groups, schools, and periods of American Realism, ranging from before the Revolutionary War and continuing through the Postmodern era, and includes 250 black-and-white and color reproductions.
Overview of painting over the last 800 years, including more than 450 color reproductions and an in depth analysis of over 30 of the most famous paintings.
Presents color reproductions of more than ninety works by New York artist Chuck Close, and includes essays on Close and his techniques, an interview with the artist, a chronology, a bibliography, and an exhibition history.