Points of view

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Is television bad for kids?

Explores the pros and cons of children watching TV.

Is technology becoming too smart?

"As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, people have begun to express fears about the abilities of smart devices. While these people worry about job security, data security, and the implications for law enforcement, others point out benefits such as streamlined production and exciting new inventions. Through fascinating fact boxes and an informative graphic organizer that enhance the main text, readers learn about the various points of view surrounding this STEM issue. Objective text encourages critical thinking to help the next generation of innovators come to their own conclusions about technology"--Provided by publisher.

Is social media helpful or harmful?

"Social media is pervasive in today's culture--so much so that it is nearly impossible to avoid it completely. Opinions are divided on whether this has made life better or worse. Young people today are the first to grow up with this new technology. Will it be helpful or harmful to them? Augmented by full-color photographs and informative fact boxes, the . . . text explores this question so readers understand both sides of the issue--a key part of forming their own opinion and making informed decisions about their social media use"--Provided by publisher.

Is safety more important than privacy?

"Fears about terrorism and other safety concerns have been prevalent for decades, but recent advancements in technology have given law enforcement and national security officials the ability to monitor suspected criminals. Some people believe this is not only desirable, but necessary. Others worry about the ways this power could potentially be abused. The many angles of conflict between safety and privacy are presented to readers through compelling photographs and fascinating fact boxes that supplement the neutral main text. This informative reading experience allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the arguments and formulate their own opinions"--Provided by publisher.

Is it important to buy American goods?

"Some people believe Americans should make an effort to buy goods made in the United States; others say this it does not matter where something is made. Thanks to allowances, many children are consumers in their own right, and even those who are not will one day have to make ethical decisions about where their money is spent. Through alternating viewpoints, complemented by fact boxes and a graphic organizer, this objective text explores both sides of the argument so readers can develop their own opinions and make informed choices about how they spend their money"--Provided by publisher.

Should schools have dress codes?

"Most schools have at least some form of a dress code. However, some people believe dress codes are restrictive and unnecessary. Is one approach better than the other? Readers are immersed in the debate surrounding school dress codes through the use of informative text that presents multiple points of view. Readers are encouraged to keep an open mind and developed an informed opinion as they explore the many sides of an issue that directly affects them"--Provided by publisher.

Should bullying be a crime?

"Bullying is a serious problem, and some people believe it should be considered a crime. However, others believe that takes things too far. These different viewpoints can affect antibullying policies, so it's important for readers to understand why people hold these opposing points of view"--Provided by publisher.

Should plastic bags be banned?

"Plastic bags are being banned in many places, but is this the right thing to do? Readers will be able to answer this question for themselves in an informed way after they explore the environmental, economic, and legal sides to the debate surrounding plastic bag bans. The enlightening main text is presented alongside full-color photographs, and a detailed graphic organizer allows readers to compare different viewpoints"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Should plastic bags be banned?

Should kids get an allowance?

Explores the pros and cons of children receiving a monetary allowance.
Cover image of Should kids get an allowance?

Is television bad for kids?

Explores the pros and cons of children watching TV.
Cover image of Is television bad for kids?


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