Points of view

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Are humans causing climate change?

"The topic of climate change often inspires very strong feelings, and it can sometimes be difficult to sort through the feelings to find the facts. Balanced, unbiased text and fact boxes filled with relevant data and statistics help readers develop an informed opinion about climate change, and they're also encouraged to examine why others might hold an opposing viewpoint"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Are humans causing climate change?

Should we trust the news?

Explores the discussion of whether we should trust what the news tells us.
Cover image of Should we trust the news?

Should all children get vaccines?

"The vaccination debate has made headlines across the United States in recent years, but news outlets often sensationalize this important health topic, leaving people with more questions than answers. As readers explore the arguments used by people on both sides of this debate, they also learn essential information about health and science through age-appropriate explanations and helpful fact boxes"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Should all children get vaccines?

Should the voting age be lowered?

As young people become louder voices for change, some people argue that the voting age should be lowered to younger than the current 18. This title examines arguments on both sides of the debate.
Cover image of Should the voting age be lowered?

Should the school day start later?

Explores the debate surrounding the move by some communities to institute a later start to the school day, including the economic, educational, and public health considerations involved.
Cover image of Should the school day start later?

Should the government pay for health care?

Presents arguments on both sides of the debate over universal health care and whether or not it's a good idea for society.
Cover image of Should the government pay for health care?

Should every community have a library?

Looks at arguments for and against public library funding, including budget issues, access to alternatives such as the Internet, and community cohesion.
Cover image of Should every community have a library?

Should citizens be required to vote?

Readers explore opposing points of view about mandatory voting as well as how the requirement is handled in other democracies around the world through unbiased main text, fact boxes, vibrant photographs, and a helpful graphic organizer.
Cover image of Should citizens be required to vote?

Should boys and girls go to separate schools?

Some people strongly believe boys and girls should go to separate schools, while others believe this isn't good for students. Readers will discover the facts on both sides of the debate, and learn to form their own opinions.
Cover image of Should boys and girls go to separate schools?

Should animal testing be banned?

Through unbiased main text and fact boxes, readers are presented with information and statistics used by those who support and oppose animal testing, and they are encouraged to use what they learn to decide where they stand.
Cover image of Should animal testing be banned?


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