history, naval

Geographic Name
history, naval

Francis Drake and the oceans of the world

Presents a brief biography of Sir Francis Drake, the British explorer who traveled around the globe from 1577 to 1580, and includes information on his career as the greatest seaman of the Elizabethan Age.

The Spanish Armada

A study and analysis of the Spanish Armada.

Hornblower and the Hotspur

After only one night with his bride, Hornblower, as commander of the frigate Hotspur, sails for duty off the French Coast to keep Napoleon from invading England.

Commodore Matthew Perry and the Perry Expedition to Japan

Surveys the life of Matthew Perry, a naval officer from a seafaring family, whose accomplishments are many but who is best remembered for opening Japan to trade with other nations.

The Billy Ruffian

the Bellerophon and the downfall of Napoleon : the biography of a ship of the line, 1782-1836
The story of the seventy-four gun warship "Bellerophon" and the role it played in three significant sea battles of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries including the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, which establish British Naval supremacy for 100 years.

The ancient mariners

Describes the naval history and sea traditions of the Mediterranean Regions in ancient times.

First to fight

an inside view of the U.S. Marine Corps
Combines simple vignettes, history, legend, and opinion in an exploration of the qualities that have enabled the U.S. Marine Corps to survive and flourish.

Run silent, run deep

Provides a historical and fictional account of the submarine experience during World War II.

Sir Francis Drake

the Queen's pirate
Chronicles the life of Sir Francis Drake and discusses how he worked as a pirate for the Queen of England and plotted to conquer Spanish ships and keep the money for himself.


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