history, naval

Geographic Name
history, naval

Sir Francis Drake

his daring deeds
Retells in poetry the daring adventures of the explorer who was the first Englishman to sail around the world; helped to defeat the Spanish Armada; and who, encouraged by Queen Elizabeth I, was a feared pirate in his time.

Sir Francis Drake

Presents a biography of Sir Francis Drake, first English explorer to circumnavigate the globe.

Sir Francis Drake

slave trader and pirate
A biography of Sir Francis Drake, focusing on his activities as a pirate and slave trader, which made him a hero in England, but earned him the name of the Dragon by the Spanish.

You wouldn't want to sail in the Spanish Armada!

A humorous account of the Spanish Armada and what it was like to be a sailor in this ill-fated fleet in 1588.

Drake & the 16th century explorers

Traces the journeys and discoveries of Sir Francis Drake and other sixteenth-century mariners.

The sea king

Sir Francis Drake and his times
A biography of the sixteenth-century English sea captain Sir Francis Drake, who is famous for his voyage around the world, his raids against the Spanish, and his defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Francis Drake

Describes the life and adventures of the seaman who was the first Englishman to sail around the world.

The birth of the American Navy

Briefly describes the early years of the United States Navy, during the Revolutionary War and just after, and touches on the activities of the Navy today.


Molly, upset by her family's move from London to the U.S., is strangely drawn to an old book about the life of Admiral Lord Nelson, and soon finds her life intertwined with that of Sam,a boy her age who served with Nelson aboard the HMS "Victory" a century earlier.


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