history, naval

Geographic Name
history, naval


Molly, upset by her family's move from London to the U.S., is strangely drawn to an old book about the life of Admiral Lord Nelson, and soon finds her life intertwined with that of Sam, a boy her age who served with Nelson aboard the HMS "Victory" a century earlier.

Empire of ivory

Temeraire the dragon and his captain, Will Laurence, fly to Africa to search for a cure to the epidemic plaguing England's dragon ranks and hold off conquest by Napoleon Bonaparte.

Master and commander

Two men, Captain Jack Aubrey, R.N., and Stephen Maturin, ship's doctor and intelligence agent, become fast friends aboard a man-of-war ship during the Napoleonic wars.


a novel of the Bounty
When fourteen-year-old pickpocket John Jacob Turnstile is offered a life at sea as a captain's personal valet instead of prison, he embarks on a voyage to Tahiti aboard the "Bounty, " and when the crew falls in love with the island woman, they stage a mutiny.

His majesty's dragon

After capturing a French frigate and seizing its precious cargo, Captain Will Laurence of the HMS "Reliant" befriends the dragon Temeraire and uses his new friend to help defend his country from other airborne dragon forces.


a novel
Worldly and debonair, Alex Hawke has pushed himself to excellence -- in seamanship, international business, and free-lance espionage. On a mission to stop a rogue sub with 40 nukes aimed at the United States, he finds a link to his own tragic past.

The Caine mutiny court-martial

a play
Recreates in the stage classic the courtroom trial of Lieutenant Maryk for having taken over command of a mine sweeper from Captain Queeg.

Commodore Hornblower

Horatio Hornblower returns to sea with the rank of Commodore in command of a small squadron during the Napoleonic wars. The fate of Europe hangs on the outcome of his mission.

The Armada

Describes the English defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 in the framework of European history. Also covers diplomacy, strategy, and politics.

Powder monkey

the adventures of Sam Witchall
Thirteen-year-old Sam endures harsh conditions, battles, and a shipwreck after being pressed into service aboard the HMS Miranda during the Napoleonic Wars.


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